Wednesday, September 24, 2008

birthday wish list

you know i went to the puyallup fair the other day, i participated in this lucky draw contest to win a return air ticket from southwest airline. so this company have been calling me for the past few days. they told me i won this goodie bag but i must be 25 years old or above to redeem it. so i told them i am JUST 24 years old. they told me it's ok but i am still eligible for the drawing of the air ticket. this morning they called me again and asking me the same question "are you 25 years old"?

after all, 24 years old are not that old huh.

my birthday is just around the corner and i have a wish list this year.

  • a return ticket to Manchester.
  • a happier me. no more worries.
  • loves from everyone.
  • a return ticket to Manchester.
  • a phooi phooi phooi song from pamsong.
  • birthday song from jacob, weiyong, weejian, gap, andrew, randall & ted.
  • a day off where i can spend whole day talking online with all my love ones.
  • a better photography skill.
  • more and more and more loves from edwin.
  • no more hair dropping.
  • a new webcam. T_T
  • my family can come and visit me soon, i am darn lonely here.
  • a return ticket to Manchester.
you can make me a happy girl.


Anonymous said...

cheh very lonely meh...
you got a nice roommate leh... haha

lovezhenwei said...

Send you a Christian birthday song composed by my friend.




Happy Birthday to you! Happy
Birthday to you!! Happy early
Birthday to~~ MING~~!! Happy
Birthday to you!!!

If possible, sing you this song on your birthday la!!

David Tan

ming said...

anonymous: still quite lonely!

David: I know this song, you wrote on my notebook for me, and recorded in my mp3 player for me before.. but its too soft when i played back! so i'd be more than happy to listen another time from you! =p

andrew tan said...

wah. Sure tht day u will listen the birthday song. haha. U dont have web cam right nw?

ming said...

andrew: I have webcam..but u can always call me!!