Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Tell me I weren't dreaming for the past few days... wake me up wake me up...=p..
I was so so so happy...! =p

Anyway, final only started next week..=(
Pam, I dunno i can make it or not..but I'll try my best..
Willett n Elaine...are u guys gonna come back for summer holidays??????

Monday, November 21, 2005

如果你不再出現 我的世界 還有什麼可貴
可惜不夠時間 讓我們試驗 什麼叫永遠
想念變成懷念 心動變成心碎
偏偏還會關切 你最後屬於誰

所有的燈 早已經全都熄滅
我會不會 覺得快樂一些
可惜殘忍時間 總要把諾言 一點點摧毀

*nice song, dis song doesn't describing how i am feeling though, =p so dun think too much..

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

i'm thinking ar.. i wanna stop study and be a full time baby sitter for gerron..=p
i promise i'll be a good baby sitter la.. hmm..when i go back to penang i will go kidnap your son.haha
i wont la.. i will take good care of him..i'll tell him that coconut is called as banana actually.. bus is just a big car, bus just a made up name..sometimes i'll borrow porn from ted, kianlam n jamie, just to play for him to watch..hahaha..i'm just joking..=p your son will be a really really 'good boy' next time from the way i see him watching the sexy girls dancing on MTV..haha..=p

Sorry elaine.. i was just crapping.. *haha*.. willett..u'd better take good care of ur son if not..*ngek ngek ngek*....=p

Thursday, November 10, 2005

HapPy BirThday

Ted Ted...HappY Birthday...Love you love you love you muacks muacks muacks muacks... Gerron..Happy birthday you love you love you too..muacks kisses very rare one..=p guys big boy already lo..hopefully next time when i see you guys ted will say.."ming you are so sweet.." then gerron will say..."ah ming is good.."..then probably gerron will know how to say the words i taught him last" willett mummy, elaine daddy, ah gap hiao..." but hmmp... gerron already knew how to say ah gap hiao long long time ago..=p muahahaha..