Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Back to school

I am taking 8 subjects this semester, super busy ar!!
Firstly, Psychology Research Lab with Dr. Hook, super banyak articles to read..=_=
Cognitive Psychology, another class with Prof. Bennett, honestly I am not a big fan of her but looking at how she has treated me last semester, I will try my best to be a goody girl in her class. Then, History and System of Psychology, I thought I do not have to deal with all the philosophers in my whole life anymore, but I was wrong. =( I was having hard time when I was taking Philosophy class and Ethics class in M'sia. I worked my butt off to get A for both classes, sigh, I will try to fall in love with all the philosophers again this semester.

That's all with my major classes.

I am taking yoga class too, at first I wanted to enroll in tennis class but somehow it clashes with my other courses. I had my first lesson yesterday, it wasn't as bad as I thought. hehehe...Natalie helped me to enroll in Lifestyle for Wellness class, gosh, this is boring!! Then I am in the Varisity Singers class too, it's like a choir and we have performances and trip during the end of the semester. I am the only Chinese in the class....Phew~ During the first class, they asked me what makes me special, I really have no other idea than telling them I can speak a few languages and I smile a lot. During the summer, David thought me the "Jesus loves me" in Chinese version, and I sang to a lot of old grandmothers when I was in the book field. I sang to the professor and the classmates again in the class yesterday, and they were like...amazed! *hahaha* I am taking Career & Internship class too where they teach you how to write a good resume.. last but not least, *sigh* I enrolled myself in Chinese Conversation class. I dont know why I wanna make myself suffer in the class, I feeel like I am a retarded student in the class. I have to pretend like I cannot speak that language at all. But after that I chose to be honest to the professor, I told her that I was chinese educated just that I have friends that criticized my pronunciation. Because of other students where they are all Americans, I have to learn the basic things together with them. It's good though, cos I just found out today all the while I have been reading my chinese name incorrectly! =(

Phew! This is my very last semester here and also my very last semester for my degree. I hope everything goes well and have as much fun as I can while I am still in school.

Yesterday I got myself a parking ticket!! so Soi ar!! But I went to the security office to debate with the officer today! Heee!! I was so innocent ok! I just arrived in school 2 days ago where they had labor day holidays so I did not have a chance to go to purchase my parking permit. On Monday midnite, PM Chang sms me saying that "hey becareful with your car, they gonna start writing ticket tomorrow".. I was like OK lo, so I woke up early in the morning to go to buy that stupid permit, but when I was on my way back I saw that officer was standing in the parking lot writing tickets already la! But nvm la, after debating he decided to void my 15 dollars ticket...phew~

I am still staying in the dorm this semester while a lot of friends of mine decided to move out to off campus housing. I am glad that I made the choice of staying here because Open Borders Floor is just so great! This is my second semester staying on this floor and the students for this semester are more happening than the last semester! It's so great to have people from different different countries and to see Americans blend with us so well. When I was in Nebraska, I thought people there are so-not-friendly, but here people are TOO-friendly. They are like super friendly and hyper active all the time.

Although school has started, I am still missing the people that I have spent my summer with. I miss them like a lot a lot lo! And we have to talk to each other like almost everyday. =_=

They are tres bien!

Anyway, I am loving the weather here in Bemidji.. The weather is slightly colder than Genting now, and I cant wait for the winter to come! =p

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