Let's promise to be best friends forever,
in good times, and in bad times,
for better or worse, richer and poorer,
through thick and thin.
Let's promise to share,
our secret and dreams,
to trust enough to tell the truth and hear the truth,
and to forgive and forget.
Let's celebrate mistakes,
and cry over anything,
and laugh at nothing,
and just to be there for each other -
forever and always......
This song is specially dedicated to friends who have always been there for me... No one deserves this song better than my Birdy-Pam! girl, this is for you, and sing by our favorite - Preston and Lorance! Hope you like it...! And lately, I get to know this new friend, Edwin, I think he deserves this song too! I'm really thankful to have you guys in my life.... *smile* and not to forget Jamie-choot-lilgap! wow, your e-card really makes me smile! Love y'all... =)
I've learnt that to have a good friend is the purest of all God's gifts, for it is a love that has no exchange in payment.
Thanks, babe! Mwah mwah mwah!
P & L are so sweet..wakakaka..=p
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