当政维解释给我听这首歌的由来, 我double的爱上这首歌。。
好啦,我的中文超烂的。。 简单来说, 你应该把这首歌听一听,体会一下 the gift of sight.
如果我能看得见 就能轻易的分辨白天黑夜
如果我能看得见 就能驾车遨游
如果我能看得见 生命也许完全不同
眼前的黑不是黑 你说的白是什么白
我望向你的脸 却只能看见一片虚无
是不是上帝在我眼前遮住了簾 忘了掀开
你是我的眼 带我领略四季的变换
你是我的眼 带我穿越拥挤的人潮
你是我的眼 带我阅读浩瀚的书海
因为你是我的眼 让我看见这世界就在我眼前
Friday, August 24, 2007
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The poor Governor doubted his http://startso11.info/www.suszi.wszib.edu.pl.html senses, and crossed to stop him--not in time, however.. This can make no difference for us, for we must always be ready to drop our auxiliary ideas whenever http://storyah44.info/pisk+chomikow.html we deem ourselves in position to replace them by something else approaching more closely to the unknown reality.. [1] To sit for http://startso11.info/mozilla+firefox.html the painter.. For, at first, before they took the alarm, I saw strange sights when I looked at them http://startso11.info/lyrics.html through the glasses.. It was http://startso11.info/.hiszpania-online.com.html therefore possible, making a certain allowance for her notions on the subject of topographical anatomy, to assume that the child in the box signified a child in the womb of the mother.. This is the http://startso11.info/nge.pl%2F.html whole dream, or, at all events, all that I can remember.. It rather succeeds with tolerable frequency in replacing these by formal characters of http://startso11.info/www.domdzieckawrzosowa.pl.html its own.. An' you can't git the http://startso11.info/www.decathlon.pl.html sev'n hundr'd dollars? Like to oblige you, but can't right now; will fix it for you later on.. It is a compromise which becomes conscious in http://startso11.info/autogie%C5%82ta.html this case--a compromise between what one procedure has in view and the demands of the other.. It proved that this Dennis Shea was a harmless, amiable fellow, of the class known as shiftless, who had sealed his fate by marrying a dumb wife, who was at that moment ironing in http://storyah44.info/pogoga+Elbl%C4%85g.html the laundry.. But there is no warrant for such an http://startso11.info/forum+paintballowe.html expectation.. Sech as that http://rebestal.info/chotowa.html ain't right.. Ingham! No! I never drink any wine at all--except sometimes in summer a little currant spirits--from our own currants, you http://startso11.info/www.lp.zion.pl.html know.. According to all her statements she really suffered as a girl on account of the jealousy of her mother, http://rebestal.info/dj+servis+team.html because she showed a preference for her father.. A really good boy, instead of bellowing, would have dreamt that http://startso11.info/Krystyna+Czubek.html he was playing with the rhinoceros.. Why didn't he wait till another time when the deacon was alone, as he was? If she had her way she never would, speak to Squire http://startso11.info/www.sholaris.pl.html Hopkins again, nor to his wife, either.. He contributed more stories to the New York World than to any other one publication--as if the stories of the author who later came to be hailed as http://startso11.info/WWW.KONSBUD-AUDIO.PL.html the American Maupassant were not good enough for the leading magazines but fit only for the sensation-loving public of the Sunday papers! His first published story that showed distinct strength was perhaps A Blackjack Bargainer (August, 1901, Munsey's ).. She had an exquisite figure, and she http://startso11.info/www.smsmy.pl.html carried herself with a most delectable grace.. We thus learn http://startso11.info/Superpuder.html that the unconscious idea, as such, is altogether incapable of entering into the foreconscious, and that it can exert an influence there only by uniting with a harmless idea already belonging to the foreconscious, to which it transfers its intensity and under which it allows itself to be concealed.. The next instant he sees the http://startso11.info/dziecie+porno.html whole family gathered about the table--his mother and the servant girl with the soup-tureen with particular clearness...
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