*bish* So now I have to tell the world my 6 weird + abnormal behaviors. Hmmp, I have been thinking for whole day and I can't think of any. So I decided to ask my friends the weird things about me. Well, the below 6 abnormal behaviors are from my friends in Bemidji, so maybe to friends in Malaysia is kinda new things..=p
- I am obssessed with water bottles.
I don't drink a lot of water, I just love having them around with me..=p
- I collect sauces from everywhere.
Especially honey mustard. I love the honey mustard from Mc Donald.
- I can't sleep without my tortoise.
I got this little cutie tortoise from someone really special back in M'sia. I have to look at my tortoise before I sleep, I am serious!! But lately, my friends here in Bemidji found out that I really can't live without my tortoise and so they have been trying to hide my tortoise everytime they come into my room! Guess what? Before I post up this blog, I was actually looking around for this cutie, and this time they hide it in a plastic bag and kept it in someone's room! Grrr!!! p/s: they kept her in the hall way la, in my school bag la, in someone's room la, my laundry basket la..omg, they are scary!!
- I am a very SHY person. YES, I am!! I can sing to the person I love, he can attend my presentation to support me...BUT... He can't sing to me and I will never attend his presentation. Well, I get so shy and blushed when he sings to me even we have been together for very long... Girls will think that I am crazy, but seriously I don't know why I just can't get myself "enjoy" the whole singing session... I mean I love to listen to him but...iyo..dont know la!
- I have more guy's friends than girl's friends. For others, they think that girls tend to understand girls better. But to me, nah, my guy's friends understand me better than girl's friends, except for one weird girl - PamSong. =p
- I have to keep myself busy all the time. I feel so depress when I have nothing to do, I love busy schedule, I love tons of works, I love challenges, I love suffering, I love staying up until late at night to finish up my work, I love waking up early in the morning to complete my work, I love having lotsa pressures... I guess I am a workaholic sometimes...*hehe*
Aiyo! It's so hard to come up wth 6 weird things... Will add more if I can think of any..=p
Well... The rule is I need to tag another 6 persons. But I dont knw who to tag la..=="