Friday, July 08, 2005

been thinkng a lot lately..about a few terms..they make me confuse..

*love* is true love exists? wut is love? is it worth being stupid for love? love is blind?
*possession* wuts da characteristic of being possessive? wut makes you think one person is being so controlling?
*decision* wut makes a good decision? when you make a decision, who do u think of first? yourself? or others?
*truth* are we supposed to tell the truth to the one you trusted? the one they considered themselves as your "friends"?
*Lies* is every intentionnally false statements considered as lies? or is there big lie and small lie?
*trust* should we trust the person you trusted blindly? why we should trust another person that doesnt believe in you?
*selfishness* should we consider for others? or concern chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure?
*pity* is it worth pitying someone that dont appreciate you at all?
*regret* living in regret? or never lived in regrets?
*revenge* by doing this is it will bring you hapiness?
*hapiness* wut can makes a person happy? are we really happy even we wear a smile on our face?
*fairness* is Libran always look for fairness? should one person treat you equally without favoritism and discrimination?
*friend* who makes a good friend of yours? who only can be considered as a friend of you?

Living in confusion...being stupid for bitter..
Another thought..dun pretend like u r an innocent when u r not..

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