it's that time of the year again. i am glad that it's the end of year 2008. my quarter life crisis came early. it started this year and i prayed that it will end by today as of 31st december 2008. i actually had a not-so-bad year, but it definitely not the best year in my life. it's been a rocky year; it helps me to understand the line "life is like a roller coaster".
early this year, it was my first time to step into the working life. in this job, it gave me a lot of firsts. my first experience in getting punches, bites, kicks, verbal abusive words (no people actually cussed or swore at me before, i am very serious about this). my first time in dealing with police officers, fire department, medical person, and also my first time in seeing real fire happened in front of me! and they were all related to sweet innocent kids.
the money i was earning this year was little (working with non-profit will not make you rich). however for the peanuts that i was earning, it was sufficient for me to pay for my own bills. for the first time in my life, i did not have to depend much on my family. but sadly, i did not earn enough to send home some money. T_T
i kinda shut down myself this year. i became very quiet. i did not share a lot of my feelings. i might appeared to be a very happy girl, well, i was not. it was all cover up. when looks can be deceiving, well, expressions can be too. i only chose one or two friends to listen to me when i was really down, other than that i just kept it to myself, and i dealt with my own problems.
i almost become an alcoholic and a drug addict (partly wasn't true). until this point, i think i am making a lot of people started to worry about me. =_= oh well, i noticed that i drank a lot this year. i drank with colleagues after works. i felt like drinking whenever i was down. i AM addicted to stouts. i am glad that we did not store liquor in our apartment, so a lot of times, they were just the thoughts of getting drinks, but i did not drink in the end! Hee! as for the drug addiction, it's all because of my sleeping problem. a lot of times, i am very tempted to take sleeping pills. but i did not, cos i was lazy to walk to the pharmacy to get them. so i never had any sleeping pills, but by just having the thoughts of getting those pills is very very bad.
it was actually a depressing year. i missed home so much. my very last grandparents passed away. my dad admitted into hospital and i can barely do anything about it. it got me so worried, i cried when i heard my dad was crying over the phone on freaking father's day. i told mom i need a break, and i went home during summer. it was good to see my family and friends again. And was excited to see bf after such a long time, but was anxious at the same time. i was being extra sensitive to whatever he said or whatever he did not say or do. i called off the relationship a few days before i had to see him. i cried almost every freaking day when i was in penang and i bet no one even noticed about that except my close friends. then it came to a point where i had to make a decision on whether was it worth to fly to KK to see him and not to waste the air ticket that he had already bought me. i was glad that i did fly to see him. i held back my tears so badly in front of him, i wanted to say "hey i love you" so badly but we two were holding it back. i guess we were worn out because of the long distance relationship. until one morning i burst into tears and from there we talked about it, and since then things were great. we got back together and i swear that trip was one of the best in my life!
then back to the states, i was busy with works. i am not happy with works though, there are a lot of reasons but whatever it is, Jan09 is my very last month. i decided to go home as well. i was glad that i made the choice, at the same time, truthfully, i was upset with a broken american dream where i once fought so bad to come over here. well, one day i will be back here, who knows rite.
year 2008 could be a tough year for me but it helped me to see that i was blessed with a lot of nice people around me. i have a long thank you list, but to a few of specific ones:
uncle&auntie, for taking good care of me when i was in portland.
kelly&peh, you guys are so nice and kind! thank you so much for taking me around in seattle and also introducing me the job!
bitchy housemate, thanks for keeping the drama between girls to minimal (LOL), thanks for keeping me accopmpany when i am lonely.
weejian, i hardly say nice things to you but you know i treasure you a lot. thanks for being there for me, and keep me comfort when i cry. i enjoy being '8' with you!
jacob, you are the best listener, you listen and you do not judge. me heart you big big time.
jamie, if only i could understand you better. but you never failed being a great friend to me.
randall, thanks for always encouraging meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! i owe you big one.
pam, keep blogging la you.
sean, you never failed to make me smile. why do you always appear when i am at my loneliest day? ngo oi nei, arrrrrrrrrr. lol
to the one that name shall not be mentioned, you know who you are and your one tight hug makes my day seems brighter. =)
wayne&andrew, i heart you too, especially weiyong. wahahahaa
of cos my zhuzhu also, you make me realize that my life wasn't that bad afterall. wahahaha. i love you la. =p
last but not least, to my donald duck. thanks for believing in daisy when she almost gave up on you. dee, i love you, i really do!
bye la year 2008. i don't want to think about 2008 anymore.
year 2009 treat me better will ya! hopefully this coming new year will bring me a good job, more family times, teach me to love better, a better photography skill, not be broke anymore (i am poor but i am rich in love, mind you), teach me to be patient and kind... there are so many things that i want to do in year 2009. i am so ready for it.
rock on year 2009!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
给我,你 (们)的一封信
最近工作都不开心的。生病了,要请病假也得想了三番四次。 终于请了病假,在家里休息却感到愧疚。 最近干什么事都提不起劲的, 好无聊哦。 脑子里塞满了一堆ideas, 提起了笔却写不出心中的感受,也画不出想要表达的情绪,也说不出一个所以然究竟发生了什么事。 有时候我在想,如果我是那些小孩有多好,不喜欢就可闹别扭,生气了就随性的发泄情绪, 再不来就把自己躲在一个角落搞自闭。 可是回到现实生活中,我却不行; 就因为我是个成年人, 有责任感的成年人。我是一个不喜欢多做解释的人,也不喜欢对某些人做无聊的交代; 人家对我再多的误会,我都学会了一笑而过。随着年龄的成长,也学会了什么事情都好都要看开一点, 从那里跌倒就从那里爬起来,要相信明天会更好,一次的失败代表着又一次的学习。人往往就是嫌恶的,知道你满面笑容过得好好的,他那嫉妒的心就在想要怎样把你那一面面的笑容慢慢的撕下, 人就是那么的自私。还好,我知道也领悟这个道理,愈强要则强, 没什么事情是解决不了的, 再难的问题也有它解决的方式。 我可不是好胜,也不是野蛮, 更不是顽固。我只是知道,未来的日子会怎么样都归于我手中,我可以轻易且不责任的把它画下句点,我也可以毫无意识的过着每一天,但是我选择了快快乐乐的,也要尽我所能的创出一道彩虹来。 人有时候就需要那么多一点点的勇气,多一点点的爱,把自己的人生活得更精彩, 所以啊,从来不要对朋友吝舍的给与关怀,你可能会发现施比获更幸福。我自己呢就挺幸福的啦,子威都对我很好,很想把我的幸福与你分享, 不过话说回来啊,只有你一个人能左右自己的未来,要活得精彩还是遗憾, 就在于你的选择。
梁静茹- 给未来的自己
找一個人惺惺相惜 找一顆心心心相印
在這個宇宙 我是獨一無二 沒人能取代
不管怎樣 怎樣都會受傷
傷了又怎樣 至少我很堅強 我很坦蕩
我不放棄愛的勇氣 我不懷疑會有真心
我要握住 一個最美的夢 給未來的自己
一天一天 一天推翻一天 堅持的信仰
有一個人惺惺相惜 有一顆心心心相印
拋開過去 我想認真去追尋 未來的自己
不管怎樣 怎樣都會受傷
傷了又怎樣 至少我很堅強 我很坦蕩
我不放棄愛的勇氣 我不懷疑會有真心
我要握住 一個最美的夢 給未來的自己
不管怎樣 怎樣都會受傷
傷了又怎樣 至少我很堅強 我很坦蕩
未來的你 會懂我的瘋狂
Monday, December 08, 2008
i don't know.
i don't know how should i begin, nor how should i end it.
i don't know what should i keep, nor what should i throw away.
i don't know what should i keep, nor what should i throw away.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
sup. i m at work again. another overnight shift. life is boring lately, nothing much happening else from drowning myself in work. if only there's 48 hours a day. i need massage. more times for myself. to do a little bit drawing or doodling. maybe a little bit cooking. to do laundry. to walk around downtown. to take more pictures. to do a little bit catch up with friends. more pak-thor-ing. practice japanese. more drama. to sing k. to play with my phone. more blogging. to clean up my room.
my room is so messy that i don't even want to live in there anymore.
my room is so messy that i don't even want to live in there anymore.
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
welcome to obamanation
was working at girl's program today (teenager girls) and we have been sticking our butt on the couch and glueing our eyes on CNN for the latest election result. the girls were all so anxious omg. they were like having obama camp in the program. it was especially nervous for all of us when his electoral votes were sticking at the number of 207, it then suddenly jumped to 293 votes and he was announced to be the next president.. the girls were like jumping and shouting for joy and i definitely saw some tears at the corner of the eyes.
most of the american citizens they were so into politics ok, i mean at least the people around me. this colleague of mine was asking me about who do i support yesterday. i was like obama. she asked why so. i was like i don't know i just think that mccain is too old lol. then she was like "to me, family value is very important...." then she kept explaining to me she will vote on whoever that have stronger family value. then i was like i wonder who has a better view on love and relationship. at that moment i can feel that she must be thinking its useless talking to me... =p
anyway, my point is, america is ready for a change, and i wonder when it's malaysia's turn?
oh ya. obama delivered a very powerful speech too. =p
most of the american citizens they were so into politics ok, i mean at least the people around me. this colleague of mine was asking me about who do i support yesterday. i was like obama. she asked why so. i was like i don't know i just think that mccain is too old lol. then she was like "to me, family value is very important...." then she kept explaining to me she will vote on whoever that have stronger family value. then i was like i wonder who has a better view on love and relationship. at that moment i can feel that she must be thinking its useless talking to me... =p
anyway, my point is, america is ready for a change, and i wonder when it's malaysia's turn?
oh ya. obama delivered a very powerful speech too. =p
Saturday, November 01, 2008
happy belated halloween?
or, maybe merry christmas?
i can't decide who sing the better "the christmas song", michael buble or christina aguilera or josh groban or jesssica simpson. hmm.
today we brought kids out for trick or treats. everyone looked so cute can. and i dressed up like a computer nerd. it was a successful one. first, randall saw me online he was like "you are super nerdy". then i went to school to get this girl outta school, when she saw me across from the classroom her expression was priceless. then for the entire day i kept hearing kids saying i am like a nerd. haha. my $9.90 was kinda worth it.
been so busy lately. i hardly had any me-time. my work place is like my first home. T_T my schedule not even the same as that tan airene anymore. she is leaving soon. T_T so soon. i am leaving with her. i want to. i want to i want to. go home. probably not. probably manchester. hmm. edwin is going to rome, venice, and milan. argh. i swear to myself no matter how he tempted me i shall not be influenced. next year dee i will be there. (;
oh i learned to knit lately. my first masterpiece is a scarf. a lovely scarf for someone special. pictures later, after he received it. heheheeeeeee. knitting is so addictive though. and it's not cheap at all. for the price that i paid for all the yarns, i can probably get a lot of ready made scarfs from the store. oh well, it's the thought that counts right. (:
what else what else... oh ya... my life in the states have been interesting. i am glad that i have the chance to deal with 911, the fire department, the emt, the hospital, the police officer... what else my job gonna offer me. the doctors in children hospital are so cute. the firemen that came today look hot. aw, i am sick. people make me sick. lol
you know ar, the thing that i hate to hear from my friend the most is..."eh do you want to join us for tonight gathering? me, lik, suat and ted." knowing that i can't be there for sure, don't tell me la........ T_T but honestly, i miss you guys a lot arrrrrr. jamie la, weiyong la, andrew la, weejian la, suat la, ted la, lik la, rishant la, juliana la, i miss the gang. i wonder things will still be the same 10 years down the road. but one thing i know for sure, thing will not be the same when one gets a gf or a bf. you know like jamie, hclf one. i am not that good either. aih.
i am actually getting paid for blogging. because technically i am working right now. it's 4:42am. i am so freaking tired. i am done with all my tasks. i am just waiting for the clock to strike 7am and i can leave. go back to my lovely bed before i have to work again on the same day at 4pm..until the next morning 7am. lol. it sounds tiring. but truthfully, i always feel so tired at the end of the shift, but when i got home and read all the messages that edwin left for me even it was just one line, i felt so energetic right after. and i end up staying up instead of going to bed. T_T
and honestly, i think i have sleeping problem. you know like disturbed sleep. lots of dreams and got woken up easily. a lot of friends around me rite they are actually consuming sleeping pills to go to sleep, some of them even take shots to go to bed. i hope i will not end up going to pharmacy to get sleeping pill. it's kinda stressful sometimes when you know you gotta work certain hours the next day but you just cant seem to go to bed no matter how tired you are. it's very very frustrating.
it's only 4:50am right now. 2 hours and 10 more minutes to go. probably i should do my monthly report, but i am lazy.
you know... my mom always tell me that she feels as if she has already lost a daughter, she says i dont miss home nor care for them. it's pretty sad when i know that. well you know don't say a person never miss you or care for you, you never know how much a person is actually missing you or even care for you, it probably just never been expressed you know.... i learned that from the past relationship. lol... but this is not something to laugh about... =(
mommy if you are reading this...i really miss home...sometimes how i wished that you will just ask me to go home...
it's 5am. 2 more hours. i can do it.
5:36am. i hate myself for not making time for myself just to go walk around and take pictures of autumn leaves.
i can't decide who sing the better "the christmas song", michael buble or christina aguilera or josh groban or jesssica simpson. hmm.
today we brought kids out for trick or treats. everyone looked so cute can. and i dressed up like a computer nerd. it was a successful one. first, randall saw me online he was like "you are super nerdy". then i went to school to get this girl outta school, when she saw me across from the classroom her expression was priceless. then for the entire day i kept hearing kids saying i am like a nerd. haha. my $9.90 was kinda worth it.
been so busy lately. i hardly had any me-time. my work place is like my first home. T_T my schedule not even the same as that tan airene anymore. she is leaving soon. T_T so soon. i am leaving with her. i want to. i want to i want to. go home. probably not. probably manchester. hmm. edwin is going to rome, venice, and milan. argh. i swear to myself no matter how he tempted me i shall not be influenced. next year dee i will be there. (;
oh i learned to knit lately. my first masterpiece is a scarf. a lovely scarf for someone special. pictures later, after he received it. heheheeeeeee. knitting is so addictive though. and it's not cheap at all. for the price that i paid for all the yarns, i can probably get a lot of ready made scarfs from the store. oh well, it's the thought that counts right. (:
what else what else... oh ya... my life in the states have been interesting. i am glad that i have the chance to deal with 911, the fire department, the emt, the hospital, the police officer... what else my job gonna offer me. the doctors in children hospital are so cute. the firemen that came today look hot. aw, i am sick. people make me sick. lol
you know ar, the thing that i hate to hear from my friend the most is..."eh do you want to join us for tonight gathering? me, lik, suat and ted." knowing that i can't be there for sure, don't tell me la........ T_T but honestly, i miss you guys a lot arrrrrr. jamie la, weiyong la, andrew la, weejian la, suat la, ted la, lik la, rishant la, juliana la, i miss the gang. i wonder things will still be the same 10 years down the road. but one thing i know for sure, thing will not be the same when one gets a gf or a bf. you know like jamie, hclf one. i am not that good either. aih.
i am actually getting paid for blogging. because technically i am working right now. it's 4:42am. i am so freaking tired. i am done with all my tasks. i am just waiting for the clock to strike 7am and i can leave. go back to my lovely bed before i have to work again on the same day at 4pm..until the next morning 7am. lol. it sounds tiring. but truthfully, i always feel so tired at the end of the shift, but when i got home and read all the messages that edwin left for me even it was just one line, i felt so energetic right after. and i end up staying up instead of going to bed. T_T
and honestly, i think i have sleeping problem. you know like disturbed sleep. lots of dreams and got woken up easily. a lot of friends around me rite they are actually consuming sleeping pills to go to sleep, some of them even take shots to go to bed. i hope i will not end up going to pharmacy to get sleeping pill. it's kinda stressful sometimes when you know you gotta work certain hours the next day but you just cant seem to go to bed no matter how tired you are. it's very very frustrating.
it's only 4:50am right now. 2 hours and 10 more minutes to go. probably i should do my monthly report, but i am lazy.
you know... my mom always tell me that she feels as if she has already lost a daughter, she says i dont miss home nor care for them. it's pretty sad when i know that. well you know don't say a person never miss you or care for you, you never know how much a person is actually missing you or even care for you, it probably just never been expressed you know.... i learned that from the past relationship. lol... but this is not something to laugh about... =(
mommy if you are reading this...i really miss home...sometimes how i wished that you will just ask me to go home...
it's 5am. 2 more hours. i can do it.
5:36am. i hate myself for not making time for myself just to go walk around and take pictures of autumn leaves.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
24th SurpriSe biRthDay PaRty!
so ariney and noriko worked together-gather to organize a surprise birthday party for me. i've got so touched ok although it was not expressed on my face. lol. aireny even created a private event in the facebook and invited my friend which i had no idea at all. T_T
i kinda know there's a surprise for me on my birthday but i didn't know it was that extreme T_T. i was really really really happy can. their mission was to get me drunk as their mission accomplished T_T. it's a bad idea to show your friends that you are a high tolerance drinker on normal days, because some day they wll revenge one T_T.
so they got me to puke a few times, and until today i denied that i was drunk. because i remmbered what i did on that night. i remembered dialing edwin's number and aireney talked to him and i also rememembered telling them i wanted to go for dimsum the next day T_T.
to cut the story short, lets look at the pictures!
i kinda know there's a surprise for me on my birthday but i didn't know it was that extreme T_T. i was really really really happy can. their mission was to get me drunk as their mission accomplished T_T. it's a bad idea to show your friends that you are a high tolerance drinker on normal days, because some day they wll revenge one T_T.
so they got me to puke a few times, and until today i denied that i was drunk. because i remmbered what i did on that night. i remembered dialing edwin's number and aireney talked to him and i also rememembered telling them i wanted to go for dimsum the next day T_T.
to cut the story short, lets look at the pictures!

i think the balloons look lovely.

everytime i was given a new drink, i had to check it out what was that first.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Saturday, October 18, 2008
ming turned 24!!
what can i say? i am the luckiest girl ever! having all the lovely people around me, i am feeling so so so blessed. thank you people for making my 24th so special. thank you Dee for saying the warmest words to me, thank you roomie for planning the birthday party, thank you noriko for helping airene in the surprise birthday party...
i definitely have more people to thank to.
thank you all for the phone calls and messages, from back home malaysia, from down under, from Uk, from all over the states, from hong kong, etc etc. although you guys like woke me up in the middle of the night just to wish me happy birthday, i was really really happy. thank you all for the different versions of birthday song, no matter you sang it to me through phone, or web cam, or in person, it definitely hit my heart.
talking about the birthday song, i have to thank the Bemidji-gang!!! so yesterday i received a call from an unknown number. i picked up the phone and what i heard is a lot of people introducing themselves, probably like more than 10 of them, telling me that they were from fm90 or something. after that, they started to say all the wishes individually and ended up the phone call with a birthday song. i didn't even have chance to say thank you and they hung up the phone. so i re-dial to the same number, and again they were telling me they were from fm90 and started to sing birthday song again, and then hung up. i was like wth!! but it was really really creative and meaningful to me!! CHLOE TAN, if you are reading this, thank you so so so so much, i so know that you are the leader of this bemidji gang.
ok back to the thank you list.
see how lucky i am! and they are all in pink or purple, so ngam!
i definitely have more people to thank to.
thank you all for the phone calls and messages, from back home malaysia, from down under, from Uk, from all over the states, from hong kong, etc etc. although you guys like woke me up in the middle of the night just to wish me happy birthday, i was really really happy. thank you all for the different versions of birthday song, no matter you sang it to me through phone, or web cam, or in person, it definitely hit my heart.
talking about the birthday song, i have to thank the Bemidji-gang!!! so yesterday i received a call from an unknown number. i picked up the phone and what i heard is a lot of people introducing themselves, probably like more than 10 of them, telling me that they were from fm90 or something. after that, they started to say all the wishes individually and ended up the phone call with a birthday song. i didn't even have chance to say thank you and they hung up the phone. so i re-dial to the same number, and again they were telling me they were from fm90 and started to sing birthday song again, and then hung up. i was like wth!! but it was really really creative and meaningful to me!! CHLOE TAN, if you are reading this, thank you so so so so much, i so know that you are the leader of this bemidji gang.
ok back to the thank you list.
see how lucky i am! and they are all in pink or purple, so ngam!

.jpg)

i am gonna post up the birthday party pictures on next post! Heeee!!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
silver lining shots
i don't know whether silver lining shot is only for the sky or what... but oh well, below are my own definitions and collection of silver lining shots. lol
oh btw, they are all taken with iPhone!
oh btw, they are all taken with iPhone!
so how do you like it?
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